2010年9月21日 星期二

奧古斯塔 ADA的拜倫

奧古斯塔 ADA的拜倫

by Edward Ortiz由愛德華奧爾蒂斯


拜倫出生於 1816年在英國詩人拜倫喬治戈登諾埃爾(拜倫)和安娜伊莎貝拉米爾班克拜倫。
Babbage's diagrams and plans, up to this point, had been incapable of communicating the true genius of the engine.巴貝奇的圖表和計劃,到了這一點,已經無法溝通的真正天才的引擎。 Into this interpretive void stepped Ada Byron.這個解釋無效加強阿達拜倫。 This machine, which at that time only existed only in theory, was to operate on the punch card principle.這台機器,這在當時只只存在於理論,是經營上的打卡原則。 Byron immediately saw how these cards could be re-used to access and compute data.拜倫立即看到這些卡可以被重新用於訪問和計算數據。
巴貝奇問拜倫翻譯和解釋他的想法的引擎。 In particular, Babbage agreed to Byron's request to add "Notes" to his text.特別是,巴貝奇同意拜倫的要求,加上“註釋”,以他的文字。 These "notes," comprised of seven brief essays, 40 pages long, became an invaluable set of complex instructions for the operation of the Analytical Engine.這些“指出,”包括7個簡短的論文,40頁長,成為寶貴的複雜指令集的運作的分析引擎。 More importantly, the notes included Byron's own speculations on the potential of such a machine.更重要的是,票據包括拜倫自己的猜測,對潛在的這種機器。

Ada concentrated on what today we could call the "software" applications of the Analytical Engine.阿達集中在什麼今天我們可以稱之為“軟件”應用的分析引擎。 In this sense, one can call Byron a true visionary, for she was able to foresee that the Babbage's engine could have vast applications in the area of graphics, artificial intelligence, and the composition of complex computer music.在這個意義上,可以調用拜倫真正有遠見,因為她能夠預見,巴貝奇的引擎可以廣泛的應用在該地區的圖形,人工智能和複雜的計算機組成的音樂。 All this more than a century before these disciplines were revolutionized by the modern computer!這一切都一個多世紀前的這些學科是革命性的現代計算機!

The field of computer science, and the computer revolution, owes much to the interpretative insight that Ada Byron contributed in her notes to Babbage's Analytical Engine.Like all true visionaries, Byron overcame the limitations of her era, and the results of her work appear everywhere, from the Internet to the concert hall.外地的計算機科學,計算機革命,在很大程度上是解釋性洞察阿達拜倫貢獻她的筆記,以巴貝奇的分析Engine.Like所有真正的夢想家,拜倫克服的局限性,她的時代,結果她的工作似乎無處不在,從互聯網到音樂廳。

Written by Edward Ortiz寫由愛德華奧爾蒂斯
出自:www.well.com/~adatoole/bio.htm - 美國

